
What are horse dreams about?

Horses are majestic animals that are a part of human life. Horses can feel emotions and are said to have great bonds with people. The DreamWell Dream Dictionary is based upon insights from 1,200 dream symbols in over 200,000 dreams. Let’s see what the data has to say about horse dreams.

The word cloud above shows the words that are specifically associated with horse dreams. These are the words that make horse dreams unique compared to all other dream symbols. Just examining the graph and reading the words of horse dreams can be illuminating about show horses affect our dreams. Be sure to check out the example horse dreams at the bottom of the page.

The circular bar chart above shows how horses in a dream will affect dream content as compared to other dream symbols. Higher bars indicate that horse is more related to the specific symbol in the graph. Lower bars indicate that horse is less related to the specific symbol in the graph. Specifically, horse dreams have more animals than 99.2% of dream symbols, more natural places than 88.9% of dream symbols, and more weird dreams than 78.5% of dream symbols. On the other hand, horse dreams have less confusion than 88.6% of dream symbols, less hatred than 87.0% of dream symbols, and less schools than 84.8% of dream symbols. Notably, dreams of horses are very social! Horse dreams contain more characters tan 90% of all other dream symbols. Dreams, in general, are very social. There are people or characters in almost every dream, so it is notable that horse dreams have are so social. Every dream is unique. These are general patterns observed in an analysis of over 200,000 dreams. This analysis is a tool to help you make sense of your dreams. It is best to look at the differences. See how your dream of horses is different than dreams of horses in general.


of dreams have horses

How common are horse dreams?

0.8% of dreams have the horses symbol within the dream. That's about 1 out of every 100 dreams. Considering all the dream symbols, it is uncommon.


How are horse dreams identified?

This symbol is identified by words like horse. This symbol is part of summary dream symbols characters and animals.

Most related

What is most related to dreams of horses?

Horses dreams are notable because they have substantially more centaurs, weasels, unicorns, ponies, cowboys, barns, bobcats, donkeys, farms, Legolas, camels than 95% of other dream symbols.

Least related

What symbols least related to dreams of horses?

Horses do not especially suppress any other dream symbols.

Deep dive into horse dreams

Get an overview of characters, emotions, places, events, dream events, and senses in horse dreams.

Who is in dreams of horses?

Who is in dreams of horses?

Dreams of horses are much more related to animals and more related to fantastic beings than dreams in general. They are less related to unnamed people, less related to strangers, and less related to peers.

much more than usual
the same as usual
less than usual
more than usual
less than usual
less than usual
less than usual
less than usual
What are the emotions in dreams of horses?

What are the emotions in dreams of horses?

Horse dreams are less related to sadness, less related to grief and sorrow, and less related to embarrassment.

the same as usual
less than usual
less than usual
less than usual
less than usual
less than usual
less than usual
less than usual
less than usual
less than usual
Where do dreams of horses take place?

Where do dreams of horses take place?

Horse dreams are more related to natural places than dreams in general. They are less related to home, less related to work, and less related to human-made places.

less than usual
less than usual
less than usual
the same as usual
more than usual
less than usual
less than usual
What happens in dreams of horses?

What happens in dreams of horses?

Horse dreams are less related to aggressive acts, less related to friendly acts, and less related to eating and drinking.

less than usual
less than usual
the same as usual
the same as usual
less than usual
the same as usual
the same as usual
How do dreams of horses related to the type of dream it is?

How do dreams of horses related to the type of dream it is?

Horse dreams are more related to weird dreams, more related to good dreams, and more related to sad dreams than dreams in general. They are less related to lucid dreams, less related to nightmares, and less related to recurring dreams.

less than usual
less than usual
less than usual
the same as usual
less than usual
more than usual
the same as usual
more than usual
more than usual
How do dreams of horses related the senses?

How do dreams of horses related the senses?

Dreams of horses are less related to hearing, less related to taste, and less related to vision.

less than usual
the same as usual
less than usual
less than usual
less than usual

How can you make sense of horses in dreams?

Horse dreams are uncommon. Among other things horse dreams are very social. Do you think this is true for your dream of horses? How might your dream of horses be different?

All dreams have meaning

All dreams have meaning

You can gain insight from thinking about any dream, no matter how strange. Only you, as the dreamer, have final say on what your dream may or may not mean. Each dream is unique.

Look for the differences

Look for the differences

The DreamWell dictionary provides information on how each dream symbol appears in dreams in general. Finding how experience horses in dreams can be a key to understanding its meaning.

Return to the feelings

Return to the feelings

Our emotions in dreams can help us understand its meaning. Pay attention to how you felt in the dream. Pay attention to how you feel about horses in dreams. See how you feel about horses now, in your waking life.

An interpretation of horse dreams

An interpretation of horse dreams

This interpretation is from ""The Dream Interpretation Dictionary: Symbols, Signs, and Meanings" and is provided by J.M. DeBord aka "RadOwl". He is the author of several acclaimed books about dreaming, the host of The Dreams That Shape Us podcast, and is a moderator of r/Dreams, one of the largest dream sharing communities on the internet. Horses in dreams are commonly associated with movement in your life because they’re used for activities such as riding and racing, but there are many other possibilities based on figures of speech and personal associations. Horses are strong and able to travel long distances. Therefore, they are associated with ability to plow through large amounts of work or endure difficult circumstances. A man dreams about a horse drowning in a pond and doing nothing to help it, symbolizing his inability to ask for help at work. He’s a “work horse” who won’t seek help when he needs it, and in the dream that idea is shown as watching the horse drown. “Healthy as a horse” is a common saying to describe strength and virility. A horse can symbolize your inner strength or sexual prowess. Horses are used in many romantic tales, with someone either riding to the rescue or mounted on a horse. It’s a common association to use as symbolism. Riding a horse can symbolize a high position of authority, high ideals, or a high opinion of yourself, as in the phrase “get off your high horse.” Alternately, it can symbolize the strength to endure a long personal journey. “Riding a white horse,” long associated with heroin use and biblical prophecy, is also used by dreams to indicate moving forward in life with the aid of the unconscious mind. This symbolism is true of other white animals, too, such as white crows and white wolves. A woman dreams that she finds a horse while struggling to walk through a blizzard. She wants to mount the horse but a shadowy man pulls it away from her. She analyzes the dream and understands that the blizzard symbolizes her depression, the man symbolizes her Shadow side, and the horse symbolizes help from within her to help escape the depression. A short time later she has the same dream, except she reacts by jumping onto the horse and fleeing before the shadowy man can stop her. She comes to a cliff, pursued by the man, and must make a split decision. She decides to leap off the cliff. It symbolizes her decision to make a “leap of faith” and escape her depression. By riding away on the horse, she makes a decision to claim the help bubbling up from her unconscious mind. Being chased by a white horse can indicate conflict with issues of sexual purity. Other phrases that can be depicted in dreams include “beating a dead horse,” and “straight from the horse’s mouth.” Symbolism like this is likely to be acted out. A dream about a horse with back problems can indicate trouble enduring a situation or finding the strength to accomplish a difficult task. See: Backs Taming a horse can symbolize taming wild instincts. A horse out of control can mean that your passions are running wild. A horse that has difficulty walking can symbolize shame. Dreaming about a horse carrying a burden can symbolize feeling that you carry other people’s personal burdens, or people dump their problems or responsibilities on you. A horse is associated with the Sagittarius zodiac sign, which is depicted as half-horse, half-human. What role does the horse play in the dream-story? What does it do, and how does it tie together with other details from the dream? As with all symbols, a horse is understood within the context of the story, and your feelings are used as a guide to understanding it. See also: Animals, Backs, Cowboys, Rescuing, Unconscious minds

Examples of dreams of horses

Reading dreams is one of the best ways to understand dream symbols. Even though the DreamWell Dream Dictionary is based upon data, it is grounded in the experience of reading thousands upon thousands of dreams. We invite you to read examples of horse dreams for yourself. These dreams are actual dreams people have had. As result, they may contain racist, sexist, violent, or otherwise offense language and imagery. This can be true even for horse dreams. Read at your own risk.

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