
What are neighbor dreams about?

Neighbors live right next to us. Our relationship with them greatly varies. Sometimes we have a close relationship with them, while in other cases we barely recognise them in any other environment. The DreamWell Dream Dictionary is based upon insights from 1,200 dream symbols in over 200,000 dreams. Let’s see what the data has to say about neighbor dreams.

The word cloud above shows the words that are specifically associated with neighbor dreams. These are the words that make neighbor dreams unique compared to all other dream symbols. Just examining the graph and reading the words of neighbor dreams can be illuminating about show neighbors affect our dreams. Be sure to check out the example neighbor dreams at the bottom of the page.

The circular bar chart above shows how neighbors in a dream will affect dream content as compared to other dream symbols. Higher bars indicate that neighbor is more related to the specific symbol in the graph. Lower bars indicate that neighbor is less related to the specific symbol in the graph. Specifically, neighbor dreams have more unnamed people than 99.6% of dream symbols, more home than 98.3% of dream symbols, and more romantic partners than 91.2% of dream symbols. On the other hand, neighbor dreams have less good dreams than 80.8% of dream symbols, less natural places than 78.3% of dream symbols, and less magical places than 72.9% of dream symbols. Notably, dreams of neighbors are very social! Neighbor dreams contain more characters tan 90% of all other dream symbols. Dreams, in general, are very social. There are people or characters in almost every dream, so it is notable that neighbor dreams have are so social. Finally, dreams of neighbors are family oriented. They are more related to family than 90% of all other symbols. In other words, dreaming of neighbors will increase your chances of dreaming of a family member. Dreams help us to process our emotions and social relationships. In a certain lens, you can think of dreams as simulations of the world. This can be especially helpful for our relationships with family. Every dream is unique. These are general patterns observed in an analysis of over 200,000 dreams. This analysis is a tool to help you make sense of your dreams. It is best to look at the differences. See how your dream of neighbors is different than dreams of neighbors in general.


of dreams have neighbors

How common are neighbor dreams?

2.1% of dreams have the neighbors symbol within the dream. That's about 1 out of every 50 dreams. Considering all the dream symbols, it is relatively common.


How are neighbor dreams identified?

This symbol is identified by words like flatmate, roommate, flat mate, etc. This symbol is part of summary dream symbols characters and unnamed people.

Most related

What is most related to dreams of neighbors?

Neighbors dreams are notable because they have substantially more verbs, calluses, Bilbo Baggins, places, Malaysia, small cats, yards, pheasants, lodging, neighborhoods, rental cars than 95% of other dream symbols.

Least related

What symbols least related to dreams of neighbors?

Neighbors dreams are notable because they have substantially less acid rain, healing dreams, higher selves, Hungary, Iceland, inner children, Iraq, Jamaica, Kenya, Kuwait, Laos than 95% of other dream symbols.

Deep dive into neighbor dreams

Get an overview of characters, emotions, places, events, dream events, and senses in neighbor dreams.

Who is in dreams of neighbors?

Who is in dreams of neighbors?

Neighbor dreams are much more related to unnamed people, much more related to peers, and much more related to family than dreams in general. They are less related to fantastic beings.

the same as usual
the same as usual
much more than usual
less than usual
the same as usual
much more than usual
much more than usual
much more than usual
What are the emotions in dreams of neighbors?

What are the emotions in dreams of neighbors?

Neighbor dreams are more related to embarrassment than dreams in general. They are less related to sadness, less related to grief and sorrow, and less related to fun.

the same as usual
less than usual
less than usual
more than usual
the same as usual
the same as usual
the same as usual
the same as usual
less than usual
the same as usual
Where do dreams of neighbors take place?

Where do dreams of neighbors take place?

Dreams of neighbors are much more related to home, more related to work, and more related to schools than dreams in general. They are less related to natural places and less related to magical places.

much more than usual
more than usual
the same as usual
the same as usual
less than usual
less than usual
more than usual
What happens in dreams of neighbors?

What happens in dreams of neighbors?

Neighbor dreams are more related to sex and more related to eating and drinking than dreams in general.

the same as usual
the same as usual
more than usual
the same as usual
more than usual
the same as usual
the same as usual
How do dreams of neighbors related to the type of dream it is?

How do dreams of neighbors related to the type of dream it is?

Dreams of neighbors are more related to sleep paralysis and more related to vivid dreams than dreams in general. They are less related to good dreams.

the same as usual
the same as usual
the same as usual
more than usual
the same as usual
the same as usual
more than usual
less than usual
the same as usual
How do dreams of neighbors related the senses?

How do dreams of neighbors related the senses?

Dreams of neighbors

the same as usual
the same as usual
the same as usual
the same as usual
the same as usual

How can you make sense of neighbors in dreams?

Neighbor dreams are relatively common. Among other things neighbor dreams are very social and family oriented. Do you think this is true for your dream of neighbors? How might your dream of neighbors be different?

All dreams have meaning

All dreams have meaning

You can gain insight from thinking about any dream, no matter how strange. Only you, as the dreamer, have final say on what your dream may or may not mean. Each dream is unique.

Look for the differences

Look for the differences

The DreamWell dictionary provides information on how each dream symbol appears in dreams in general. Finding how experience neighbors in dreams can be a key to understanding its meaning.

Return to the feelings

Return to the feelings

Our emotions in dreams can help us understand its meaning. Pay attention to how you felt in the dream. Pay attention to how you feel about neighbors in dreams. See how you feel about neighbors now, in your waking life.

An interpretation of neighbor dreams

An interpretation of neighbor dreams

This interpretation is from ""The Dream Interpretation Dictionary: Symbols, Signs, and Meanings" and is provided by J.M. DeBord aka "RadOwl". He is the author of several acclaimed books about dreaming, the host of The Dreams That Shape Us podcast, and is a moderator of r/Dreams, one of the largest dream sharing communities on the internet. It’s possible to dream about your neighbors, especially if you’re involved in some sort of conflict or intrigue with them. Consider what you know about them and your recent interactions, if any. Dreams have a lot of possibilities to work with to create symbolism based on your neighbors. For example, if your neighbors are loud and keep you up at night, they could be used to create symbolism related to a troublesome situation unrelated to them. For example, a big problem at work could be keeping you up at night, and it’s symbolized as a problem with your neighbors. If your neighbors appear to be well-off financially, in your dreams they could symbolize your desire to be well-off. If you hear them fight and argue, they could be used in your dreams to symbolize conflict. Neighbors are close geographically, generally, so in dreams they can be used to symbolize something that is close in the figurative sense. Someone who is gravely ill might dream about death as a neighbor because he feels that death is nearby. See: Barns, Garages Neighbors can symbolize other people close to you, such as relatives, friends, or co-workers. For example, the co-worker in the office or cubicle next to yours is said to be your neighbor. When you compare yourself with other people, whether or not those people are your neighbors, dreams can use neighbors to symbolize those thought processes and related feelings. Neighborhoods are generally homogenous ethnically, racially, economically, and socially. The people in your neighborhood are in the same general grouping as you are and therefore can be used to symbolize the idea that “we’re all in this together.” For example, a dream about looking out over the neighborhood and seeing the souls of children being sucked up into the night sky is related to the dreamer’s thoughts about the sacrifices that have to be made in order to sustain a high standard of living. Parents in that neighborhood have to work long hours and that means less time with their children. In turn, the children lose something essential, symbolized as their souls. A dream about a Chinese family moving into her neighborhood symbolizes that the dreamer feels out of place. She stands out in her peer group as a bit eccentric, the same way that a Chinese family stands out in a neighborhood composed of other ethnicities. Neighbors can be used to symbolize divisions, particularly if fences or other obstructions are involved. For example, a dream about a fence being built between the dreamer’s house and a neighbor’s house is related to the dreamer’s perception that his family is better off financially than his neighbors, and the disparity creates a divide between them. Dreaming about your old neighborhood under attack or demolished can symbolize a break with your past. A way you used to think about life and the world is under attack or gone. You’ve been through big changes. Buildings such as houses and stores are structures, and metaphorically so are belief systems, values, and morals. See also: Buildings, Cities, Fences, Garages, Groups, Home, Trespassing

Examples of dreams of neighbors

Reading dreams is one of the best ways to understand dream symbols. Even though the DreamWell Dream Dictionary is based upon data, it is grounded in the experience of reading thousands upon thousands of dreams. We invite you to read examples of neighbor dreams for yourself. These dreams are actual dreams people have had. As result, they may contain racist, sexist, violent, or otherwise offense language and imagery. This can be true even for neighbor dreams. Read at your own risk.

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