
What are ufo dreams about?

The DreamWell Dream Dictionary is based upon insights from 1,200 dream symbols in over 200,000 dreams. Let’s see what the data has to say about ufo dreams.

The word cloud above shows the words that are specifically associated with ufo dreams. These are the words that make ufo dreams unique compared to all other dream symbols. Just examining the graph and reading the words of ufo dreams can be illuminating about show ufos affect our dreams. Be sure to check out the example ufo dreams at the bottom of the page.

The circular bar chart above shows how ufos in a dream will affect dream content as compared to other dream symbols. Higher bars indicate that ufo is more related to the specific symbol in the graph. Lower bars indicate that ufo is less related to the specific symbol in the graph. Specifically, ufo dreams have more fantastic beings than 98.4% of dream symbols, more natural places than 97.9% of dream symbols, and more vision than 95.3% of dream symbols. On the other hand, ufo dreams have less friendly acts than 95.7% of dream symbols, less sadness than 95.6% of dream symbols, and less pain than 95.1% of dream symbols. Notably, dreams of ufos have a striking lack of emotion in general. Emotion may be present in dreams of ufos, but it may not be remarked upon. Alternatively, the emotion present in the dream might only a few emotions. Finally, dreams of ufos have more words related to vision than 90% of all other dream symbols. In other words, ufo dreams involve sight and seeing objects. This is interesting because dreaming is primarily a visual experience. Every dream is unique. These are general patterns observed in an analysis of over 200,000 dreams. This analysis is a tool to help you make sense of your dreams. It is best to look at the differences. See how your dream of ufos is different than dreams of ufos in general.


of dreams have ufos

How common are ufo dreams?

0.2% of dreams have the ufos symbol within the dream. That's about 1 out of every 450 dreams. Considering all the dream symbols, it is very uncommon.


How are ufo dreams identified?

This symbol is identified by words like lights in the sky, flying saucer, uap, etc. This symbol is part of summary dream symbols characters, fantastic beings, and aliens and ufos.

Most related

What is most related to dreams of ufos?

Ufos dreams are notable because they have substantially more aliens, Venezuela, Lebanon, magnifying glasses, the sky, fighter jets, Cambodia, worm holes, spaceships, jets, Malaysia than 95% of other dream symbols.

Least related

What symbols least related to dreams of ufos?

Ufos do not especially suppress any other dream symbols.

Deep dive into ufo dreams

Get an overview of characters, emotions, places, events, dream events, and senses in ufo dreams.

Who is in dreams of ufos?

Who is in dreams of ufos?

Ufo dreams are much more related to fantastic beings than dreams in general. They are less related to animals, less related to insects, and less related to unnamed people.

less than usual
less than usual
less than usual
much more than usual
less than usual
less than usual
less than usual
less than usual
What are the emotions in dreams of ufos?

What are the emotions in dreams of ufos?

Ufo dreams are more related to fear than dreams in general. They are less related to happiness, much less related to sadness, and less related to grief and sorrow.

less than usual
much less than usual
less than usual
much less than usual
less than usual
more than usual
much less than usual
much less than usual
less than usual
much less than usual
Where do dreams of ufos take place?

Where do dreams of ufos take place?

Ufo dreams are more related to home, much more related to transportation, and much more related to natural places than dreams in general. They are much less related to work, less related to human-made places, and less related to magical places.

more than usual
much less than usual
less than usual
much more than usual
much more than usual
less than usual
less than usual
What happens in dreams of ufos?

What happens in dreams of ufos?

Ufo dreams are more related to disasters than dreams in general. They are less related to aggressive acts, much less related to friendly acts, and less related to sex.

less than usual
much less than usual
less than usual
more than usual
much less than usual
much less than usual
much less than usual
How do dreams of ufos related to the type of dream it is?

How do dreams of ufos related to the type of dream it is?

Dreams of ufos are more related to lucid dreams, more related to recurring dreams, and more related to sleep paralysis than dreams in general. They are less related to nightmares, less related to bad dreams, and less related to good dreams.

more than usual
less than usual
more than usual
more than usual
less than usual
the same as usual
more than usual
less than usual
more than usual
How do dreams of ufos related the senses?

How do dreams of ufos related the senses?

Dreams of ufos are much more related to vision than dreams in general. They are much less related to smelling, much less related to taste, and much less related to touch.

the same as usual
much less than usual
much less than usual
much more than usual
much less than usual

How can you make sense of ufos in dreams?

Ufo dreams are very uncommon. Among other things ufo dreams are lacking emotions and focused on vision. Do you think this is true for your dream of ufos? How might your dream of ufos be different?

All dreams have meaning

All dreams have meaning

You can gain insight from thinking about any dream, no matter how strange. Only you, as the dreamer, have final say on what your dream may or may not mean. Each dream is unique.

Look for the differences

Look for the differences

The DreamWell dictionary provides information on how each dream symbol appears in dreams in general. Finding how experience ufos in dreams can be a key to understanding its meaning.

Return to the feelings

Return to the feelings

Our emotions in dreams can help us understand its meaning. Pay attention to how you felt in the dream. Pay attention to how you feel about ufos in dreams. See how you feel about ufos now, in your waking life.

An interpretation of ufo dreams

An interpretation of ufo dreams

This interpretation is from ""The Dream Interpretation Dictionary: Symbols, Signs, and Meanings" and is provided by J.M. DeBord aka "RadOwl". He is the author of several acclaimed books about dreaming, the host of The Dreams That Shape Us podcast, and is a moderator of r/Dreams, one of the largest dream sharing communities on the internet. UFOs and their occupants are an enigmatic dream symbol, with meanings ranging from fear to something inexplicable to an unknown part of yourself. Dreams about UFOs and aliens have physiological causes, too. A UFO in a dream is commonly a symbol of fear. The association is tied with portrayals of aliens as hostile, and the threat of death from above: missiles, bombs, nukes. Fears associated with UFOs range from fear of spiders, which can drop down from above, to fear of death, to fear of change. After all, encounters with UFOs and aliens would be life-changing experiences. See: Fear UFOs are “unexplained,” so the symbolism can tie in with anything you can’t explain, especially in connection with someone’s behavior or your inner life. For example, you can’t explain why you feel distant from your spouse, symbolized in a dream about sleeping next to an alien. The occupants of UFOs are known as “aliens,” and alien can mean “foreign.” The symbolism can refer to a foreigner or illegal alien, or it can mean foreign in the sense of strange, different, or outside the scope of your experience. See: Foreignness, Strangers For an example dream, see: Fisting. Perhaps what is foreign or alien to you, or what you fear, is something about yourself. An alien can symbolize something you don’t recognize about yourself. It might be something about yourself that’s outside your conscious awareness, or that you don’t recognize. Anything about yourself that’s highly repressed can take form as an alien, because it’s “alienated.” For example, imagine the homophobe who’s actually homosexual but deeply represses the tendency, then he (or she) dreams about his sexuality. It’s like encountering an alien. Aliens and alien planets in a dream can relate to feeling alienated or disconnected from everyday reality, or being in a situation you’ve never encountered previously. It can symbolize feeling isolated, alone, or misunderstood. The sexuality of aliens is ambiguous in our popular conceptions of them, and that association can be used in relation to androgyny and asexuality. Aliens are often shown with slender bodies and great big heads, and that picture can be used by a dream to tell a story about having a big mental life, a heavy emphasis on intellect. UFOs and aliens might symbolize a calling from within you to higher consciousness or deeper spirituality. The symbolism is created by the association between aliens and knowledge, wisdom, and intelligence. In addition, they come from above, usually, and above is associated with heaven. Dreaming about aliens, alien abduction or UFOs can be caused by called sleep paralysis. Basically, you wake up but are still dreaming. See: Sleep paralysis To be abducted by aliens can symbolize being taken away from your usual life and its everyday reality. Some “alien” part of yourself wants expression in your life and won’t wait any longer for you to acknowledge it. You are forcibly “taken away” by the unconscious mind because of an attitude or stance of the ego that won’t allow the process of self-discovery to unfold naturally. Such dreams can be part of experiencing a psychosis or badly needing to completely change your life and way of looking at it. People who repress their spirituality or have no outlet for it are known to dream about alien abduction. Aliens and UFOs are associated with beliefs, and beliefs are at the heart of notions about spirituality and religion. For some people, belief in aliens is like a religious belief, so it’s easy for dreams to connect aliens with other beliefs to create symbolism. See also: Egos, Flying, Foreignness, Heads, Sleep paralysis, Outer space, Strangers, Unconscious minds

Examples of dreams of ufos

Reading dreams is one of the best ways to understand dream symbols. Even though the DreamWell Dream Dictionary is based upon data, it is grounded in the experience of reading thousands upon thousands of dreams. We invite you to read examples of ufo dreams for yourself. These dreams are actual dreams people have had. As result, they may contain racist, sexist, violent, or otherwise offense language and imagery. This can be true even for ufo dreams. Read at your own risk.

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