
What are judge dreams about?

The DreamWell Dream Dictionary is based upon insights from 1,200 dream symbols in over 200,000 dreams. Let’s see what the data has to say about judge dreams.

The word cloud above shows the words that are specifically associated with judge dreams. These are the words that make judge dreams unique compared to all other dream symbols. Just examining the graph and reading the words of judge dreams can be illuminating about show judges affect our dreams. Be sure to check out the example judge dreams at the bottom of the page.

The circular bar chart above shows how judges in a dream will affect dream content as compared to other dream symbols. Higher bars indicate that judge is more related to the specific symbol in the graph. Lower bars indicate that judge is less related to the specific symbol in the graph. Specifically, judge dreams have more unnamed people than 98.7% of dream symbols, more happiness than 95.7% of dream symbols, and more embarrassment than 94.5% of dream symbols. On the other hand, judge dreams have less home than 80.3% of dream symbols, less insects than 80.0% of dream symbols, and less vivid dreams than 75.0% of dream symbols. Notably, judge dreams are sexy! Dreams of judges are more related to sex than 90% of all of the other dream symbols. Sex in a dream can be great, confusing, digusting, or be just sex. It all depends on the context. Don't assume anything about dreams of judges. Explore what is there. Also, dreams of judges are friendly! These dreams have more friendly interactions than 80% of all of the other dream symbols. Friendly dreams can be great. They involve people helping other people, expressing love, and just being good to one another. Additionally, dreams of judges are very social! Judge dreams contain more characters tan 90% of all other dream symbols. Dreams, in general, are very social. There are people or characters in almost every dream, so it is notable that judge dreams have are so social. Furthermore, judge dreams have thinking and reflection than 90% of all dream symbols. There are many reasons why people think and reflect. Things might be confusing. They might be interesting. There might be risk. Finally, dreams of judges can be frustrating! These dreams have more frustration than 90% of all other dream symbols. Frustration in a dream can, well, be frustrating. But there can be many reasons for frustration. One of the key aspects to understanding your dreams is just to pay attention to feelings. Be curious about frustration in dreams of judges. Every dream is unique. These are general patterns observed in an analysis of over 200,000 dreams. This analysis is a tool to help you make sense of your dreams. It is best to look at the differences. See how your dream of judges is different than dreams of judges in general.


of dreams have judges

How common are judge dreams?

0.5% of dreams have the judges symbol within the dream. That's about 1 out of every 200 dreams. Considering all the dream symbols, it is very uncommon.


How are judge dreams identified?

This symbol is identified by words like judges. This symbol is part of summary dream symbols characters and unnamed people.

Most related

What is most related to dreams of judges?

Judges dreams are notable because they have substantially more jury members, tyrants, healing dreams, Hungary, accountants, collective unconscious, courts, Han Solo, acid rain, antelopes, purgatory than 95% of other dream symbols.

Least related

What symbols least related to dreams of judges?

Judges do not especially suppress any other dream symbols.

Deep dive into judge dreams

Get an overview of characters, emotions, places, events, dream events, and senses in judge dreams.

Who is in dreams of judges?

Who is in dreams of judges?

Dreams of judges are much more related to unnamed people, more related to strangers, and more related to peers than dreams in general. They are less related to animals, less related to insects, and less related to fantastic beings.

less than usual
less than usual
much more than usual
less than usual
more than usual
more than usual
the same as usual
more than usual
What are the emotions in dreams of judges?

What are the emotions in dreams of judges?

Judge dreams are much more related to happiness, much more related to sadness, and much more related to embarrassment than dreams in general.

much more than usual
much more than usual
the same as usual
much more than usual
the same as usual
the same as usual
more than usual
much more than usual
much more than usual
the same as usual
Where do dreams of judges take place?

Where do dreams of judges take place?

Judge dreams are more related to work, more related to human-made places, and much more related to magical places than dreams in general. They are less related to home and less related to natural places.

less than usual
more than usual
more than usual
the same as usual
less than usual
much more than usual
more than usual
What happens in dreams of judges?

What happens in dreams of judges?

Dreams of judges are more related to friendly acts and much more related to sex than dreams in general. They are less related to disasters.

the same as usual
more than usual
much more than usual
less than usual
the same as usual
the same as usual
the same as usual
How do dreams of judges related to the type of dream it is?

How do dreams of judges related to the type of dream it is?

Dreams of judges are more related to weird dreams than dreams in general. They are less related to recurring dreams and less related to vivid dreams.

the same as usual
the same as usual
less than usual
the same as usual
the same as usual
more than usual
less than usual
the same as usual
the same as usual
How do dreams of judges related the senses?

How do dreams of judges related the senses?

Dreams of judges are more related to taste than dreams in general. They are less related to touch.

the same as usual
the same as usual
more than usual
the same as usual
less than usual

How can you make sense of judges in dreams?

Judge dreams are very uncommon. Among other things judge dreams are sexual, friendly, very social, containing lots of thinking of thoughts, frustrating, and full of hate. Do you think this is true for your dream of judges? How might your dream of judges be different?

All dreams have meaning

All dreams have meaning

You can gain insight from thinking about any dream, no matter how strange. Only you, as the dreamer, have final say on what your dream may or may not mean. Each dream is unique.

Look for the differences

Look for the differences

The DreamWell dictionary provides information on how each dream symbol appears in dreams in general. Finding how experience judges in dreams can be a key to understanding its meaning.

Return to the feelings

Return to the feelings

Our emotions in dreams can help us understand its meaning. Pay attention to how you felt in the dream. Pay attention to how you feel about judges in dreams. See how you feel about judges now, in your waking life.

An interpretation of judge dreams

An interpretation of judge dreams

This interpretation is from ""The Dream Interpretation Dictionary: Symbols, Signs, and Meanings" and is provided by J.M. DeBord aka "RadOwl". He is the author of several acclaimed books about dreaming, the host of The Dreams That Shape Us podcast, and is a moderator of r/Dreams, one of the largest dream sharing communities on the internet. The first possibility to consider when interpreting the meaning of a judge in a dream is linked with the verb “to judge,” meaning “to form an opinion.” It’s often referred to in the sense of judging the quality of a person, performance, or prospect. This use of the symbolism can connect with events in life, such as being tested at school or reviewed at work—you are “judged.” Or, after you create something and reveal it publicly, your creation might not be formally judged, as in a contest, but it can feel that way depending on how people react to it. For an example of a dream involving the theme of being judged about a creative work, see: Fisting. Being judged in your dreams might reflect a situation in life where someone has judged or criticized you. In such a situation, strong feelings and ego can be involved, in turn creating a higher likelihood of having a memorable dream in response. You can be the judge. You are the one making critical evaluations or forming opinions. Or you are the final authority. In these dreams you might play the role of judge, or have that part of yourself projected onto a judge character. Think of the qualities of a judge and ask whether those associations fit your dream. For example, a judge is supposed to be fair, impartial, honest. A dream about an angry or corrupt judge might reflect a situation where you or someone else is not being fair and impartial. You can dream about a judge when you want the truth to be told or exposed. A courtroom setting is likely to be used to tell the story. See: Courts Judges have power over people, so dreaming about a judge can come in response to a situation where power or authority is involved. People are said to be judged in the afterlife. In this sense, the judge is God or even your own conscience. The psychic Edgar Cayce said that in the end we are our own judges, and we judge ourselves on the basis of how well we live up to our own ideals. See: Afterlife You can dream about a judge when you feel wronged. You wish for an impartial authority to hear your side of an argument, or for someone to intervene in a situation that is out of whack. You can dream about a judge when you have done something wrong and fear getting punished. This association branches out to include any scenario involving punishment. See: Guilty You can dream about a judge when you want to see deeper into your psyche or a situation. For example, a woman dreams that she’s in court, at the defense table, in front of a judge. Her parents are seated in the gallery. A curtain separates part of the room, and behind the curtain is the prosecutor. He emerges and berates a girl in the gallery who is eating needles. The curtain symbolizes the woman’s being blocked from seeing a part of her psyche represented as the prosecutor. The girl symbolizes the other side of the equation, the part of herself that feels prosecuted. Eating needles symbolizes taking into herself things that hurt; namely, in the way she talks to herself. She’s sharply critical of herself, and eating needles is a hell of a metaphor for sharp self-criticism. The judge in this dream represents the side of herself that knows the truth. It knows why she is so critical of herself—self-criticism is rooted in her family history, symbolized in the dream as her parents—and it knows, essentially, that she’s being unfair to herself. A judge can symbolize the part of yourself that knows: knows better, knows you, knows people, knows the facts, knows the system. A judge can symbolize the side of yourself that compels you to do the right thing. You might not listen to anyone else, but when it comes from the judge, you’re all ears. In this sense, the judge is your conscience, or what Sigmund Freud calls the superego. This idea extends to when you need isolation. Being sentenced by a judge can be a sign that you need time to reflect on yourself and your life, which is supposed to be one of the purposes of being sentenced to jail, but you need to feel that you have permission to do it. For example, a man dreams that a judge sentences him to ninety days in jail. Immediately he thinks about all the idle time and feels distressed about it, but he also realizes it could be a blessing in disguise if he uses the time for introspection. The judge in this dream is the side of himself that knows he needs time to turn within himself and figure out some of the big questions about his existence. The ninety-day sentence is just a way of saying this isn’t something that can be fixed overnight. A judge in a dream can mean you are pondering a situation that involves, or could involve, a judge. For example, you sense a divorce is coming from your spouse, or a dispute with a neighbor can’t be resolved, and going to court is the only option. If you have a court date coming up, you can dream about a judge in connection with it. See also: Alimony, Crime, Courts, Break ups, Executing, Guilty, Innocence, Jails, Jury members, Kings, Numbers, Prisoners

Examples of dreams of judges

Reading dreams is one of the best ways to understand dream symbols. Even though the DreamWell Dream Dictionary is based upon data, it is grounded in the experience of reading thousands upon thousands of dreams. We invite you to read examples of judge dreams for yourself. These dreams are actual dreams people have had. As result, they may contain racist, sexist, violent, or otherwise offense language and imagery. This can be true even for judge dreams. Read at your own risk.

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