
What are king dreams about?

The DreamWell Dream Dictionary is based upon insights from 1,200 dream symbols in over 200,000 dreams. Let’s see what the data has to say about king dreams.

The word cloud above shows the words that are specifically associated with king dreams. These are the words that make king dreams unique compared to all other dream symbols. Just examining the graph and reading the words of king dreams can be illuminating about show kings affect our dreams. Be sure to check out the example king dreams at the bottom of the page.

The circular bar chart above shows how kings in a dream will affect dream content as compared to other dream symbols. Higher bars indicate that king is more related to the specific symbol in the graph. Lower bars indicate that king is less related to the specific symbol in the graph. Specifically, king dreams have more unnamed people than 99.1% of dream symbols, more weird dreams than 91.1% of dream symbols, and more good dreams than 90.0% of dream symbols. On the other hand, king dreams have less sad dreams than 86.0% of dream symbols, less recurring dreams than 84.0% of dream symbols, and less home than 75.5% of dream symbols. Notably, dreams of kings are very social! King dreams contain more characters tan 90% of all other dream symbols. Dreams, in general, are very social. There are people or characters in almost every dream, so it is notable that king dreams have are so social. Additionally, king dreams are generally great! Dreams can be good for any number of reasons. You can gain insight from the dream. You can connect with friends and family. They can just be fun. Are dreams of kings usually good for you? Why do you think king dreams are usually good? Finally, king dreams are usually described as weird dreams. At a certain level, all dreams are weird. You are asleep, but your mind is active. Things change. People appear. There are strong emotions. But dreams of kings are weirder than most. Every dream is unique. These are general patterns observed in an analysis of over 200,000 dreams. This analysis is a tool to help you make sense of your dreams. It is best to look at the differences. See how your dream of kings is different than dreams of kings in general.


of dreams have kings

How common are king dreams?

0.6% of dreams have the kings symbol within the dream. That's about 1 out of every 150 dreams. Considering all the dream symbols, it is uncommon.


How are king dreams identified?

This symbol is identified by words like king. This symbol is part of summary dream symbols characters and unnamed people.

Most related

What is most related to dreams of kings?

Kings dreams are notable because they have substantially more tyrants, C-3PO, Ron Weasley, El Salvador, thrones, queens, princes, servants, Cambodia, Madagascar, Frodo than 95% of other dream symbols.

Least related

What symbols least related to dreams of kings?

Kings dreams are notable because they have substantially less abscesses, Netherlands, Nepal, mudslides, Morocco, menstruation, magnifying glasses, lotus flowers, losing an eye, lizard people, limousines than 95% of other dream symbols.

Deep dive into king dreams

Get an overview of characters, emotions, places, events, dream events, and senses in king dreams.

Who is in dreams of kings?

Who is in dreams of kings?

Dreams of kings are more related to animals, more related to insects, and much more related to unnamed people than dreams in general. They are less related to peers.

more than usual
more than usual
much more than usual
more than usual
the same as usual
less than usual
the same as usual
the same as usual
What are the emotions in dreams of kings?

What are the emotions in dreams of kings?

King dreams are more related to fun than dreams in general. They are less related to confusion, less related to fear, and less related to pain.

the same as usual
the same as usual
the same as usual
the same as usual
less than usual
less than usual
less than usual
the same as usual
more than usual
the same as usual
Where do dreams of kings take place?

Where do dreams of kings take place?

Dreams of kings are more related to human-made places and more related to magical places than dreams in general. They are less related to home and less related to schools.

less than usual
the same as usual
more than usual
the same as usual
the same as usual
more than usual
less than usual
What happens in dreams of kings?

What happens in dreams of kings?

Dreams of kings are more related to disasters, more related to eating and drinking, and more related to death than dreams in general. They are less related to health events.

the same as usual
the same as usual
the same as usual
more than usual
more than usual
more than usual
less than usual
How do dreams of kings related to the type of dream it is?

How do dreams of kings related to the type of dream it is?

Dreams of kings are much more related to weird dreams and much more related to good dreams than dreams in general. They are less related to lucid dreams, less related to nightmares, and less related to recurring dreams.

less than usual
less than usual
less than usual
the same as usual
the same as usual
much more than usual
the same as usual
much more than usual
less than usual
How do dreams of kings related the senses?

How do dreams of kings related the senses?

King dreams are more related to taste than dreams in general. They are less related to touch.

the same as usual
the same as usual
more than usual
the same as usual
less than usual

How can you make sense of kings in dreams?

King dreams are uncommon. Among other things king dreams are very social, great dreams, and usually thought of as weird dreams. Do you think this is true for your dream of kings? How might your dream of kings be different?

All dreams have meaning

All dreams have meaning

You can gain insight from thinking about any dream, no matter how strange. Only you, as the dreamer, have final say on what your dream may or may not mean. Each dream is unique.

Look for the differences

Look for the differences

The DreamWell dictionary provides information on how each dream symbol appears in dreams in general. Finding how experience kings in dreams can be a key to understanding its meaning.

Return to the feelings

Return to the feelings

Our emotions in dreams can help us understand its meaning. Pay attention to how you felt in the dream. Pay attention to how you feel about kings in dreams. See how you feel about kings now, in your waking life.

An interpretation of king dreams

An interpretation of king dreams

This interpretation is from ""The Dream Interpretation Dictionary: Symbols, Signs, and Meanings" and is provided by J.M. DeBord aka "RadOwl". He is the author of several acclaimed books about dreaming, the host of The Dreams That Shape Us podcast, and is a moderator of r/Dreams, one of the largest dream sharing communities on the internet. A king is the ruler or final authority, someone with power. The trick to figuring out what a king character means in a dream is to decide whether it represents something about you, about someone you know, or about a situation, and match that with the role the king plays in the dream-story and your associations. When connected with you, a king can symbolize the ability to rule over your own life, to make decisions, and create your own little kingdom. Everyone has an inner “King” or “Queen” involved in leadership and vision for life. In dreams it can be depicted in a form other than a king, such as a president, CEO, or famous person who embodies the qualities and characteristics of a king. When connected with someone you know, a king can symbolize a father, boss, or husband. It is a characterization of a person’s status, authority, or style. For example, if your father rules the house like a king, he can be presented that way in a dream. The king won’t necessarily look like your father, but some detail will connect the two together. For example, the king in your dream sits at your father’s desk. A king in a man’s dream can characterize a role he plays in life, such as head of the family or owner of a business. He is a king to his wife and children, or to his siblings, friends, and neighbors. Strip away the pretensions and what is a king? An authority, a leader. When connected with a situation, the symbolism of a king can stretch to create more possibilities for symbolism. At its simplest, to rule means to be on top, to have the power to make decisions. Thoughts can rule your mind. Ideas can compete for supremacy. For example, choosing a new king from among candidates can symbolize choosing among competing ideas. Only one will come out on top. The symbolism of a king can derive from associations with the stereotypical image of a king, such as strength, ambition, and wisdom. The image of a good father and husband is a reflection of what makes a good king. On the other hand, some kings are arrogant, demanding, and indulgent. How does the king in your dream act? A king is someone you want to please. Someone who inspires. Someone very important. Remember that in dreams, you can substitute some-thing for some-one. So, for instance, a crown can symbolize authority or an authority figure. The figure doesn’t have to be present in the dream. See: Hugeness A king is the highest authority, and that idea can branch out in many directions. Because the king is a character, it’s tempting to assume it represents a person, including you, perhaps, but a king is a set of ideas, traits, and qualities that can be embodied by a person, or by something impersonal. For example, if you live by a code, such as a code of honor or ethics, or a spiritual code, it’s the highest authority in your life. A king can symbolize the highest figure in a spiritual or religious tradition. And just because a king is a masculine figure doesn’t mean a woman can’t play the role. It can characterize her style of leadership or personality. Also, a king can represent her animus, the male face of her unconscious mind. See: Animuses Males have the King archetype deep in the psyche that can play the role of king in your dreams. It shapes energy related to ruling your life, having a vision, and marshaling resources in pursuit of it. The female equivalent is the Queen archetype. Search online for “king archetype” to learn more, and see: Archetypes. Read the entries for Prince and Queen. They approach the same subject from different angles and can provide valuable insights. See also: Bosses, Castles, Fathers, Hugeness, Princes, Princesses, Warriors

Examples of dreams of kings

Reading dreams is one of the best ways to understand dream symbols. Even though the DreamWell Dream Dictionary is based upon data, it is grounded in the experience of reading thousands upon thousands of dreams. We invite you to read examples of king dreams for yourself. These dreams are actual dreams people have had. As result, they may contain racist, sexist, violent, or otherwise offense language and imagery. This can be true even for king dreams. Read at your own risk.

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